The Salwator Publishing House - Wydawnictwo Salwator
The Salwator Publishing House, established in 1998 by
Salvatorians, is a Catholic Publishing Houses in Poland. While preparing our offer, we strive to fulfill expectations of our readers, thence among our publications you can find either theological thought or cooking books of the well known from TV Sister Aniela, psychological and spiritual guides and even fairy tales for children.
Among our bestsellers are Meditations with the Gospel, The Pope’s Lexikon, The Unwanted Cross and Angelic Cuisine of Sister Aniela. For those caring for their spiritual life we issue books and CDs of famous and appreciated authors and retreat givers such as Rev. Krzysztof Wons, Bruno Forte, Amadeo Cencini, Alessandro Pronzato, Anselm Grün and Henri J. M. Nouwen.
For translation rights please contact:
Agnieszka Ćwieląg-Pieculewicz
Rights Director
List of our bestsellers and titles available for translation:
Krzysztof Wons SDS
Meditations with the Gospel
Modlitwa Ewangelią na każdy dzień
Meditations with the Gospel consists of four books, which are introduction to prayer and daily readings as well. The book is a practical help for those who want to discern God’s Will in His Word. Presented meditations are simple questions – thoughts related to the Gospel found in the readings on that particular day. The author, Rev. Krzysztof Wons, who is a famous and appreciated retreat giver, leads the reader to the heart of the Gospel, so that s/he could confront with it his/her life.
Czesław Ryszka
The Unwanted Cross
Niechciany Krzyż
The author, a famous journalist, presents how the Cross – from the symbol of humiliation in the times before Christ became the source of life and redemption through the death of Jesus Christ. The book also reminds us of the European regimes, which were establishing their activity by removing the Cross. We recommend the book to those, who are interested in finding more about the heart of the European identity, which is built on the foundations of the Cross.
Krzysztof Wons SDS
Sin and Forgiveness in the light of Bible
Grzech i przebaczenie w świetle Słowa Bożego
The author of the book presents meditations based on the Bible, which are the result of his practice of daily prayer. The book is about the Word of God, which helps us to recognize our sin and makes us capable of conversion. The Word of God does not terrify, but attracts; it does not hurt but heals; does not condemn but redeems. It reminds us that we still experience God’s mercy and we can open ourselves to His Forgiveness.
Czesław Ryszka
Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko. The Mystery of Life and Death
Bł. Ks. Jerzy Popiełuszko. Tajemnica życia i śmierci
There are many books about Blessed Rev. Popiełuszko, but this one is different as it concentrates on the Priesthood of Blessed Popiełuszko. As far as the author is concerned, it is not a coincidence that Popiełuszko became blessed in a Year for Priests. Nowadays, clergy and lay people need the priest who gives good example, who is the leader and master in spiritual life.
Krzysztof Wons S.D.S.
How to Live the Word of God Every Day
Jak żyć Słowem Bożym na co dzień
The author deeply believes that the solution to our problem – which can be simply defined as lacking spiritual harmony life in pieces – could be the constant prayer, which we continue throught the day during our daily activities. This book describes this type of prayer; it presents the prayer based on the Word of God, which dynamics refers to our everyday life. This practice is simple and it is for everybody who wants to lead his/her daily life in the light of Word of God.
Krzysztof Wons S.D.S.
Cain and Abel are in us. Spiritual Life and Relationships
Kain i Abel są w nas. Życie duchowe i relacje
This book presents the story of two brothers – Cain and Abel. We tend to judge Cain as a murderer of his brother Abel. However, the author encourages us to penetrate the Word, which God offers to us through this story. It tells us that by killing his brother, Cain killed the most life-giving part of himself.
Rev. Eugeniusz Burzyk
Catechism in a Pill
Katechizm w pigułce
An interesting and new interpretation of Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as brilliant thoughts or questions corresponding to the examination of consciousness make this catechism an attractive and outstanding book. A simple and clear content helps to reach modern reader. We recommend this book to religion teachers, older pupils, parents, priests seeking how to make a moral point while delivering a sermon and to those, who want to understand our faith without studying theological works.
Krzysztof Wons SDS
To Believe in Jesus. Retreat with saint Mark
Uwierzyć Jezusowi. Rekolekcje ze św. Markiem
The author is a famous and appreciated retreat giver and spiritual director and this book came as a result of author’s experience. Meditations inspired by passages from the Gospel according to saint Mark invite us to meditate on the Word of God deeply. The book can be used by retreat givers as well as by people praying in organized forms of retreat; it is also very helpful during individual meditation in our everyday life.
Mieczysław Kożuch SJ
How to Overcome Fear
Jak radzić sobie z lękiem
This issue concentrate on fear, which is a common and fundamental state of human life. Great and small, clergy and lay people, all of us experience fear. The author, Rev. Kożuch, a psychologist and spiritual director deals with this matter not only from the psychological but also from the religious point of view. He addresses questions how to overcome fear and he inquire whether we can live with it. Finally, he states that sometimes our fear needs human therapy but in the end only the Word of God can revalue it.
Amadeo Cencini FdCC
The Word of God and Spiritual Formation
Słowo Boże i Formacja
Jeremiah is an intriguing character. We often hear his name being spoken during the Holy Mass, but his works, life and activity remain almost unknown. This issue of addresses this topic, explaining why the Church so often refers to Jeremiah’s works.
Wiesława Stefan
To Heal a Relationship
Uzdrawianie relacji
The story of human life consists of different relations. Contacts with others give us security, acceptance and support. But there are also experiences, which left wounds; memories of it still hurt, inflict fear or even aggresion. This issue answers questions where to find help and if this help is necessary, if we really need a priest to heal our spiritual wounds.
Mieczysław Kożuch SJ
Maturation and Personal Integration
Dojrzewanie i integracja osoby
This issue focuses on the problem of maturity and personal integration. Nowadays, this matter becomes more and more important, as people tend to choose wrong path of personal development. Maturity means physical and psychological development; this process is difficult and involves patience combined with great effort; some requirements are also necessary. Rev. Kożuch, a famous and appreciated spiritual director and tutor, claims that we have to come to know ourselves and what’s more, to know clearly who we are. We grow while making decisions and this process continues through all our life, regardless of age.
Amadeo Cencini FdCC
How to Discern a Vocation
Kryteria rozeznawania powołania
Discerning a vocation is crucial to our life and salvation. God knows us – in Jeremiah 1:5 we found this passage: “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee (...).”God calls us in prayer, in our personal experience, in the circumstances of life as they develop around us, in the needs we perceive that people have etc. These are all ways to discover God\'s voice inviting, calling us to be and to do something specific, but this process of discernment is not easy as satan is trying to deceive us all the time. This issue deals with vocation and provides strategies, which prove to be very useful while discerning one’s vocation and also to explore further a vocational calling. We strongly recommended this issue to those, who desire to be more certain regarding the possibility of a vocation and also to spiritual directors as they lead souls to God and usually help people while discerning a vocation.
Marko Ivan Rupnik SJ
The Examination of Conscience and Spiritual Discernment
Rachunek sumienia i rozeznawanie duchowe
We have received from God many gifts and talents along with our own human richness and they prompt us to live a full life in harmony with God. Therefore, it is very important to form a clear and correct conscience. This means that we cultivate a sensitive judgment which is alert to the least offense against God and, at the same time, protect ourselves against the evil spirit. Moreover, it is valuable to reflect on spiritual discernment to perceive ourselves the way God perceive us. We strongly recommend this issue, beacuse only when we come to know ourselves the way that God does, we may discern our vocation and talents which consequently lead to the full life in harmony with God.
Augustyn Pelanowski OSPPE
In Quest of Spiritual Leaders
W poszukiwaniu Bożych przewodników
Nowadays, many people are confused and lost in their lives; they lack faith and will to live. They live in an artificial reality, afraid of future promises but, at the same time, seek for authority and spiritual leader – the one who knows the way leading to the true values and the Promised Land. The author of this issue, Father Pelanowski, presents a quest having its source in the Bible. Pelanowski focuses our attention on the Book of Judges helping to find people with great respect and authority.
Anselm Grün OSB
Between Perfection and Weakness
Między ideałami a słabościami
Father Grün claims that we dream about perfection and seek ideals; we deserve them and when we cannot find any we are simply unable to grow and develop. As Christians, we can easily find them in the Bible; Gospel ideals are our strength in life, they elicit our human and spiritual energy and force them into the right direction in our life. This issue is about ideals that help to overcome ourselves and to pursue our aims and, at the same time, demand of us some moral requirements. We learn that if we loose our ideals we loose ourselves. This issue is also about weakness, beacuse we experience the tension between perfection and weakness all the time and we have to learn how to use it in a way that leads to development that is real, not artificial. We recommend this issue especially to those who forgot that God can develop good things even from great weakness.
Danuta Piekarz
The Gospel for Beginners
Ewangelia dla początkujących
This issue is addressed to those who want to read the Bible but they are unable to do so as it is too difficult for them to understand. Many people are interested in the Gospel, they read it at home, but it is not easy to read the Bible on your own. Danuta Piekarz claims that the Gospel according to saint Mark is the Gospel ‘for beginners’ and therefore can teach us how to meet with the Living Word of God. By reading Mark’s Gospel we are able to understand the Living Word of God and consequently to observe it in our life.
Józef Augustyn SJ
Caring for Real Spiritual Life
W trosce o autentyczne życie duchowe
The author presents a series of articles on real spiritual life and its development. These articles are helpful to those who want to prevent spiritual and moral decline and burnout. Practising Gospel example of pure heart and poverty is the best way to develop and sustain our prayer and spiritual life, because impure pursuit of happiness in our personal, family and professional life and the attachement to ourselves – what we have and who we are – result in reduced adherence to moral norms and widespread lapses in ethical behaviour.
Rev. Jacques Phillipe
A Vocation
An experienced French retreat giver helps us to discover God, who is the God of the Present Time. Phillipe reminds us that one of the requirements we must meet to discern our vocation is to remain in the present moment as God speaks to us in our everyday life. We receive His Call in happy moments and also in these sad and difficult. The author do not approve of seeking some easy way to discern our vocation; he presents how to do it during these difficult moments in our life.
Rev. Krzysztof Grzywocz
Depression and Spiritual Life
Depresja a życie duchowe
This issue is about depression which nowadays is a major threat but also an opportunity – one could learn much from depression when s/he has the right attitude: respect, tolerance, compassion and prayer. Fr. Grzywocz tells us that a depressed person is often very sensitive and valauable. In this issue we consider if there is any sense in depression and if could mean something to us. The author reminds us that God is present in every moment of our life, that He never abandons us. If God is present all the time, it means that this moment when we experience depression is not pointless at all.
Stanisław Witkowski MS
The Sermont on the Mount – Utopia?
Kazanie na Górze: Utopia?
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible. Indeed it is astonishing, and Rev. Witkowski debates on how directly it should be applied to everyday life. The best-known written portions of this open-air sermon comprise the Beatitudes: blessed are the poor, those who mourn, hunger and thirst for righteousness and the peacemakers, because all of them with their dreams and desires one day will be happy. The author, a priest and Biblical scholar, claims that it is the spiritual treasure of the New Testament; the most beautiful words spoken by Jesus Christ along with that about love and hope without end and faith moving mountains.
Krzysztof Wons SDS
Healing Word of God
Powrót do życia. Słuchanie – towarzyszenie duchowe – uzdrawianie serca
This issue is about returning to life and how to help people by listening to them and accompanying them in their healing of the heart. The author claims that God is the only One who penetrates our soul and heart without making any damage and that He knows us better than we know ourselves; He leads us to contrition and new birth in Him. What is more, God not only speaks to us but also within us by His Word – in Hebrew 4:12 we read that “the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart” and that is why this issue focuses on the Word of God this time.